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Perfekt Earth is endorsed by the Replenished Earth Foundation and is a charter member of Perfekt Earth Institute.

Life on this planet is dependent on the complex interactive relationships between a vast variety of life forms that we commonly refer to as Nature. Nature operates after a pattern, which promotes all life.


Law of the Harvest

The Solution

A major shift in thought was introduced long ago regarding the role of man in nature.  It really took root with Louis Pasteur and contemporaries.  An idea or philosophy which, in many ways, has shaped the course of medicine, agriculture, and just about every area of health and science in modern times    



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After decades of researching different nutritional concepts and experimenting with many, Dr. M. Andrew Johnson became convinced that, while supplementation with vitamins and minerals in isolate and herbal form is helpful in supporting health, the answer to the real problem with nutrition and health rests with deficiencies in the soil. This is no new discovery and is obvious to any one who considers the problem, but how to provide a large scale remedy, one that could not only aid the back yard gardener, but effectively replace the vitamin/mineral deficient commercially produced fruits and vegetables in every produce section of every grocery store, with rich wholesome complete fruits and vegetables. Several experiments with small amounts of concentrated ionic minerals blended with a unique blend of organic sugars showed such amazing results that Dr. Johnson got really enthused.

Similar to the way a small portion of yogurt culture added to warm milk transforms the whole container into yogurt, a small amount of this Perfekt Earth formula will provide nutrients that lead to healthy balanced soil. Soil capable of producing healthy abundant harvests. Many improvements have been made, including imprinting Perfekt Earth with life force frequencies. Our solution is a simple, cost-effective, back-to-basics approach to returning the earth and it's plant and animal kingdoms to a state of wellness. With a focus on replenishing the earth and benefiting mankind, Perfekt Earth was established in 2008. Our profits are used for humanitarian and research purposes. Join us in replenishing the earth one garden and one acre at a time. We look forward to hearing about your success.

Dr. M. Andrew Johnson

The Way We See It

Perfekt Earth can effectively help provide relief for the starving masses in soil depleted areas around the globe. It is amazing what a small amount of Perfekt Earth can do to jump start natural processes. As the earth brings forth abundantly there is enough and to spare. The sense if lack has been the cause of many conflicts. Abundance frees men to focus on improving and developing their higher faculties. Through a network of like minded people, Perfekt Earth Institute, we will promote not only sound productive agriculture, but earth friendly science and technology. Our efforts will also focus on practical education. Respecting cultural and religious beliefs and practices, we will aid and assist all within our reach. We are dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance in agriculture, technology and education to all those who are receptive.. We invite all people everywhere to join with us in this endeavor. Nourish the Soil, Nourish the Plants, Nourish the People, and Nourish the World.

To use nature friendly innovation and vision to reach out to our fellow beings with practical sustainable solutions that will lift mankind, sustain life, promote abundance, and replenish the earth.


Our Mission

Our Vision